Featured Maker: Gianne Amparo

Featured Maker: Gianne Amparo

I’m back with another Featured Maker blog post today! If you missed the first three, you can read all about illustrator and stationery store owner Angie Chua here, wedding photographer Rachel here and sewist and fabric shop owner Georgie here.

I love finding new creative accounts to follow on Instagram and Nikki and I thought it would be fun to share the love on the blog. I'll be interviewing a Nikki’s Supply Store pal or customer about their favourite crafts and stationery so grab a cuppa, sit back and let’s get chatty…

Today, I’m chatting to illustrator Gianne Amparo (she/her) who I met at a Sketch & Social event last month. I complimented her on her choice of pencil (a Blackwing, of course) and it transpired that she was not only a fan of Nikki’s Supply Store, she’d taken Nikki’s Etsy course many moons ago. Small world!

Hi Gianne! It’s so nice having an opportunity to get to know you a bit better today! Please introduce yourself…

Hi! I’m Gianne Amparo, an illustrator based in Cambridge. I’m currently studying my masters in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art.

Your illustrations are so gorgeous! What are your favourite creative hobbies?

My favourite hobby has always been drawing! I was the kid in my primary school class who drew pictures whenever my classmates requested something. If I want to feel calm or relieve stress, I go out with my art materials and draw from observation. Museums, cafes and the river are some of my favourite spots to draw.

I also love making ceramic animals - one of favourites include creating mini stegosauruses.

Ah no way! Stegosaurus is my favourite dinosaur and these are TOO CUTE! Cambridge is such a great place to sit and draw too isn’t it! We really are spoilt for choice with museums. Is there a craft or creative practice you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?

I’d love to try out embroidery if my patience allows it! I tried it out once very briefly but didn’t really know what I was doing so moved on to something else (I get distracted a lot). 

Haha, I know the feeling for sure, and embroidery definitely requires more patience than I have! What's your favourite item of retro/childhood stationery?

During school I was into Funky Friends and Groovy Chick stationery (British kids that grew up in the 2000s would probably know!). I kept a diary with those tiny little locks and I also had those cool pencil cases with a small mirror on the lid - wish they still sell these.

(Not my photo)

I loved Funky Friends and Groovy Chick - great choices! What's your favourite drink or snack to enjoy while you're creating?

I like munching on Pringles, especially drawing at the desk. Other snacks include biscuits, sometimes with a hot chocolate to give me a boost of energy.

…and I must immediately go and buy Pringles now. What's your favourite item(s) at Nikki's Supply Store?

I’m a fan of the Ecoline Brush Pens as they're so versatile and you can layer the colours with other materials like colouring pencils. These are my go-to!

They’re so lovely and juicy aren’t they! Thanks to much for chatting to me today, Gianne! Finally, where we can we find you online?

You can find me on Instagram, my website and my Etsy shop.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for creatives to include in our Featured Maker posts as well as the fortnightly Nikki’s Supply Store newsletter - so please keep tagging @nikkissupplystore in your photos on Instagram! It’s really handy if you can tag the photo as well as the caption, as this makes them easier for me to find.

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